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Artificial flowers with vase and made of high quality material, unfading and keeps fresh all the time.
Vivid color, looks realistic and lively
brings fresh atmosphere to your home.
Suitable as restaur
Artificial flowers with vase and made of high quality material, unfading and keeps fresh all the time.
Vivid color, looks realistic and lively
brings fresh atmosphere to your home.
Suitable as restaur
Artificial flowers with vase and made of high quality material, unfading and keeps fresh all the time.
Vivid color, looks realistic and lively
brings fresh atmosphere to your home.
Suitable as restaur
Artificial flowers with vase and made of high quality material, unfading and keeps fresh all the time.
Vivid color, looks realistic and lively
brings fresh atmosphere to your home.
Suitable as restaur
Artificial flowers with vase and made of high quality material, unfading and keeps fresh all the time.
Vivid color, looks realistic and lively
brings fresh atmosphere to your home.
Suitable as restaur
Artificial flowers with vase and made of high quality material, unfading and keeps fresh all the time.
Vivid color, looks realistic and lively
brings fresh atmosphere to your home.
Suitable as restaur
Artificial flowers with vase and made of high quality material, unfading and keeps fresh all the time.
Vivid color, looks realistic and lively
brings fresh atmosphere to your home.
Suitable as restaur
Artificial flowers with vase and made of high quality material, unfading and keeps fresh all the time.
Vivid color, looks realistic and lively
brings fresh atmosphere to your home.
Suitable as restaur

Artificial flowers with vase and made of high quality material, unfading and keeps fresh all the time. Vivid color, looks realistic and lively brings fresh atmosphere to your home. Suitable as restaur

KSh 2,400KSh3,500
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as picture
Fern like
White and green veins
Pure green

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